Economic recession can significantly affect small businesses, but your business can weather an economic downturn if you are properly prepared. In this webinar, you’ll learn what challenges small businesses face during a recession, what is out of your control and what is in your control, and what simple steps you can take to prepare. Regardless of the state of the economy, it’s important to control all aspects of your business so you can remain profitable during the good and bad times. You’ll learn how to: Plan for the most common financial disruptions Manage your debt Manage inventory during supply chain disruptions Grow and maintain customer relationships About the presenter Julie Brander is an experienced entrepreneur, who has built businesses from the ground up, including manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and non- profit businesses. She has her MBA in Entrepreneurship has taught business courses on a college level, founded a nonprofit with expertise in fundraising. A dedicated advocate for small business with vast experience and knowledge in helping entrepreneurs start and expand their business.