Learning to Live Again sessions are being offered by Preston-Hanley Funeral Home & Crematory After Care Consultant John Plunkett. Sessions begin March 6 in one of the banquet rooms at Avanti’s Ristorante 3610 Kelly Avenue in Pekin. The first session is The Nature of Grief and will explore the nature and duration of grief. The session starts at 11:00am. Attendees should arrive by 10:45am. Doors open at 10:30am.
What you can expect is to register with contact information before 11:00am. Servers will serve drink orders. Session will last 45-55 minutes. Guests are invited to lunch ordering off the menu. There is no registration fee or meal costs to guests.
Who should attend? Anyone healing from grief STUGs and grief that stays long. Sessions 2-4 will meet on each of the following Thursdays, March 13, 20, 27. Applications for Learning to Live Again will cover making good choices, how grief changes over time and making memories.
Reservations are not required but you can register by calling 309-346-2176.